CHRONOS VAKU SERIESBag de-aeration system

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The VAKU bag de-areation system has been successfully used for many years in the chemical and food sectors. In order to produce stable bags and pallets, many of the powdered products in these industries require densification as part of the bagging process.

Where in the past, simple bag presses were used, the VAKU system relies on de-aeration for the best in health and safety.

This system uses a lance comprised of two probes, which can either be integrated into the filling system or used as a standalone unit.

Speed: up to 5 per minute (300 per hour)

Bulk materials: fine powders, powders

Bag types: gusseted, gusseted flat bottom, pillow-type


  • Extracts air from the bag without disturbing its content for precise weights
  • Can result in 20% reduction in product volume
  • Lances are made of porous materials such as sintered metal or plastic, and can be food grade or non-food grade quality

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