CHRONOS FBL-2315Bulk bag loader
Available in
Asia, Canada & USA and Latin AmericaThe bulk bag loader model FBL-2315 efficiently fills packed and stable FIBC bags with 3/8” particle-size bulk materials. It offers both excellent weight accuracy and simple operation, which is ideal for filling concrete mixes, gypsum, resins, phosphates, flour, starch, powdered sugar, dextrose, and much more.
The unitized frame provides superior scale protection, while the dual-wall filling tubes and dust collection port ensure a clean working environment.
In this system, the bag is filled in a hanging position, and then lowered for settling. The machine can be adjusted for any bag height within the filler’s range.
Speed: up to 15 bags per hour
Bulk materials: powders, flakes, pellets, granules
Bag types: bulk bag

Rugged design
- Heavy-duty lift and weighing frame for an easy and inexpensive installation
- Hi-amplitude low frequency pneumatic settling
- Four tension load cells with signal combiner for precise weight measurement
- Microcomputer based weight controller provides accurate set points
- PLC controls allow up to four “intermediate” settling cycles of bag during filling
- Powered jogger settler
Clean operations
- Dual-wall filling spout with inflatable sealer and dust collection port
- Air filter/regulator with lockable shutoff valve
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